Thursday, 12 September 2013


 Radcliffe is a small town located in North Greater Manchester with a population of approximately 32,000. I will be researching history from the 15th century that happened inside the Radcliffe area, there are remains of the Radcliffe tower which was said to be built in the 11th century.  The owner known to re-build in the 15th century in Radcliffe was man named James Radcliffe, he was a wealthy man who lived in Radcliffe. Due to his wealthiness, James Radcliffe re-built the tower using materials like timber frames and stone however he could only afford to build one. James Radcliffe decided he did not need the tower so he rented out the building to farmers for their animals. On the sketches, there has always been a mystery about the towers because the King had granted him permission to build two towers however only one was found in evidence.

                         Sketch of the inside of Radcliffe Tower in the 15th Century

There was an arranged period where they were able to get permission to look and dig the remains of Radcliffe Tower, this took place in 1980.

In 2013/14, a museum and an archaeology company have come together to dig up and investigate more evidence to find further information of what was there in the 15 the century period. There will be an opportunity for volunteers to join in with the dig and improve the safety surrounding the building.

In this article, it tells the audience about the success which will proceed in 'late Summer or early Autumn 2013' Secondly, it goes on about the funding towards the project "the heritage lottery fund has confirmed it's final approve to a £276,000 towards a £461,000 project."

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